Money Pro


Money Pro ® は次世代のマネー・アプリです(世界規模でのダウンロード数200万~)。 Money Pro は毎月の支払、予算管理、家計簿を一元管理します。iPhone/ iPad 版と容易に同期可能です。家庭にもビジネスでの用途にも優れたアプリです。. Frequently Asked Questions. Where are my backups? Online Banking for several devices with the same Apple ID; The currency of transactions is different from.


What Your Clients Really Care About

Helping clients define and prioritize Goals can also help them put their financial decisions into perspective. MoneyGuide helps clients define and prioritize their Goals into Needs, Wants and Wishes before meeting with you.

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Play Zone®

Money props for sale

Interact with Their Lifestyle

Using sliders, this unique interactive feature allows clients to vary plan elements that are within their control, e.g., retirement age, goals and savings, and immediately see the impact

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Money Programs

Holistic Stress Testing

Manage Long-Term Expectations

What Are You Afraid of? is a dynamic presentation feature allowing you to plan for factors outside of anyone's control and answer tough questions in the move of a simple slider.


Money Program

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Money Property

Cash Flow

Google Money Pro

Bring the Detail When You Need It

Map out your client's retirement years with the Retirement Cash Flow Chart. The chart plots out the various goals, options, surpluses and shortfalls that can happen over the life of the plan, based on your client's plan inputs.

Money Pro Pawn

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