Quick Launch 1.0

  1. Quick Launch 1.0 Software
  2. Quick Launch 1.0 Download
  3. Quick Launch Desktop Icon
  4. Quick Launch Yu-gi-oh
  5. Quick Launch 1.0 2017

True Launch Bar - the unlimited version of the Free Launch Bar. Plugins, virtual folders, skins&colors and even more...

Text Accelerator - convert, transform, insert text with hotkeys

Free replacement for the standard Quick Launch Barversion: 2.0
April 14, 2009

Apr 19, 2014  THIS WILL ENABLE QUICK LAUNCH CLASSIC LOOK AND FEEL ON WINDOWS 7 VERSIONSNever got tired of the new look in windows 7? And found a way to make the taskbar look like good old XP days.I started this topic some time, now after i wanted to reformat again. I took some time to look into the.

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Quick launch 10

Quick Launch 1.0 Software

Free Launch Bar is the free replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. All functions presented in Quick Launch are also in Free Launch Bar. However, the Free Launch Bar is fully compatible with Quick Launch because it uses the same folder for shortcuts. But there is one huge difference. Free Launch Bar allows you to combine your shortcuts into groups. This feature looks like popup menus. This vastly improves the management of your shortcuts and save working space on your desktop. By using Free Launch Bar, you speed up the launching of your applications like never before.

First of all you already have almost all features of Free Launch Bar on Quick Launch. You can create menus with Quick Launch, but you must hold down CTRL key to open menu and you cannot rearrange items inside menu. Free Launch Bar is the excellent replacement for Quick Launch, it uses the same technology. Free Launch Bar is the only FREE software that can be integrated into taskbar. If your Quick Launch have some tens of shortcuts, Free Launch Bar help you to organize them into nice menus. You do not need to open stupid dialog boxes to add, remove or rearrange shortcuts - all you need Drag&Drop or right-click shortcut.

If you want to extend your Free Launch Bar with Plugins, Virtual Folders, Skins etc. you can try our other software True Launch Bar. Free Launch Bar is compatible with True Launch Bar and True Launch Bar will use all settings from your Free Launch Bar.

The main features of Free Launch Bar:

  • Creating menu on taskbar with unlimited levels
  • Compatibility with Windows XP
  • Integration into Windows Shell
  • Low resources
  • Compatibility with Quick Launch
  • Creating separators to group shortcuts inside menus
  • Different view modes
  • Hotkeys
  • Using PNG pictures as icons
  • Support of Windows Drag&Drop technology. To add shortcuts you can simply drag them into menus
  • Improved tips. You can include some of HTML tags into button description.
  • Fast toolbar switching
  • Absolutely FREE

Quick Launch 1.0 Download

Free Launch Bar is the lite version of True Launch Bar. So all information about features of Free Launch Bar you can read on True Launch Bar website.

Quick Launch Desktop Icon

Quick Launch 1.0

Quick Launch Yu-gi-oh

Comparison Table:

Quick Launch 1.0 2017

FeatureFree Launch BarTrue Launch Bar
Creating menus
(Title is the separator with text)
Advanced Separators
(Separators with collapse/expand and run all features)
Change Icons
Use PNG Icons
Custom Tips text
Fast toolbar switching
(Mail Monitor, Wireless Monitor, Weather Forecast etc.)
Virtual Folders
(This is menus that show the content of any folder from My Computer (Control Panel, Printers any file system folder etc.)
Skins and Custom colors
Overlay imagesfor menus
( allow to save settings and use them in the future for other toolbars)
Auto-Close menuswhen mouse is off from menus
Auto-runshortcuts on mouse hover
Context menu templates
(changing toolbar content depend of running/active applications)
Live Update
(Update software over Internet)
(Backup toolbar including all shortcuts and settings into single file)