Basejump 1.3.2

Base Jump from Helicopter. Projectile Motion. Bullet Drop - Part 1. Bullet Drop - Part 2. Bullet Drop - Part 3. Bullet Drop - Part 4. Bullet Drop - Part 5. Pendulum Waves. Ray Lewis vs. Battering Ram. Muscle Car Crash Tests. MythBusters Bullet Pizza. Billiard Trick Shot.

Welcome to Pilgrim’s Rock. Our resources are designed to strengthen your faith and encourage your comfort and joy in Christ through a clear presentation of the infinite excellence of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire is that you be captivated by His glory and immune to the unreasonable arguments of unbelief.

We are blessed and privileged to assist you along the way. May God bless you as you grow in your love and knowledge of Him.

In our glorious Savior,

The Pilgrims at Pilgrim’s Rock

Mission & Vision

Pilgrim’s Rock exists to build strong faith, comfort, and joy in Christ by teaching the infinite excellence of God and the Gospel, the reasonableness of faith, and the irrationality of unbelief. We produce biblically based courses, books, and other written, audio and visual content to that end.

Exalting the infinite excellence of God and protecting you and your children against unbelief.

Craig Biehl

Two years after graduating from university Craig’s life was turned right-side up from a view of the infinite excellence of Jesus Christ and the Gospel as revealed in Scripture. He now writes on various theological topics, including apologetics, the theology of Jonathan Edwards, the infinite excellence and beauty of God, and the Christian life. He recently launched Pilgrim’s Rock to develop courses and other material to boost the believers’ joy, comfort, and faith in Christ and Scripture, and to nurture in believers and their children a God-honoring and intellectually defensible worldview that can survive and thrive in the face of sophisticated attacks of unbelief. In addition to other theology and Bible courses, Craig has taught the Unbreakable Faith course at the seminary, college, church youth and adult Sunday school level. Craig received his AB in economics from Cal Berkeley, MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management, ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, and PhD in Systematic Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary. He and his wife Angelica (herself homeschooled by faithful, believing parents) minister in Pennsylvania, where they are happy to be redeemed in Christ, to whom they owe all things, and apart from whom they are nothing.


Doctrinal Statement

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The following statement of faith represents the doctrinal understanding of the leadership of Pilgrim’s Rock. “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

WE BELIEVE the 66 books of the Bible to be the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God, our only rule for faith and practice (2 Tim.3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21). We hold to the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.

WE BELIEVE in the Trinity; in one God, eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; each equal in being, power and glory (Matt. 28:19; John 6:27; Heb. 1:8; Acts 5:3-4).

WE BELIEVE that God directly, immediately, and from nothing created the heavens and the earth by the Word of His power, including all life “after its own kind,” and that macro-evolution is unbiblical and scientifically impossible (Gen. 1, 2; Col. 1:16-17; John 1:3).

WE BELIEVE in the existence and personality of Satan, a created and fallen angel. He is the “father of lies,” the first source of moral evil in the universe, the deceiver and destroyer of people, and arch enemy of God. He is destined to eternal suffering in the lake of fire in accordance with the perfect justice of God (Matt. 4:1-3; 2 Cor. 4:4; Rev. 20:10).

WE BELIEVE that man was created holy, in the image and likeness of God, and that he stood as the representative of the human race in his trial of obedience in the Garden of Eden. When Adam sinned, the entire human race fell with him, inherited a sin nature, and became alienated from God. All people are born with a sinful nature and of themselves are entirely unable to remedy their lost condition (Gen. 1:26-27; Rom. 3:22-23; 5:10-19; Eph. 2:1-3, 12).

WE BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, who condescended from heaven to take upon Himself a human nature and body to be a sufficient substitute and sacrifice for sinful humanity. In His incarnation He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He led a perfect life and therefore satisfied the positive requirements of God’s unchanging and strict justice, and willingly died on the cross on behalf of sinners to pay the penalty required by God’s justice for their sin. He rose bodily from the dead and will return to earth in great glory to judge mankind (Matt. 25:31-46; John 1:1-3, 29; 3:16; Luke 24:36-43; John 14:1-3, 2 Cor. 5:21).

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WE BELIEVE that salvation is by grace through faith alone, that the best of human works are unable to merit eternal life, and that God’s justice will not grant eternal life without a perfect righteousness, the righteousness imputed to believers united to Christ by faith. United to Christ by faith, believers are declared righteous because they legally possess the perfect righteousness of Christ credited to them. Moreover, they possess new life in Christ by virtue of the Holy Spirit indwelling them and imparting His character in and through them. Believers, though imperfect and subject to indwelling sin in their earthly existence, are nonetheless delivered from the penalty and governing power of sin, and will ultimately be delivered from the very presence of sin (Rom. 3:24; Eph. 2:8-9; John 10:27-28; 1 John 5:13; Rev. 20:11-21:8).

WE BELIEVE that all who place their faith in Christ as their Savior are born from above by action of the Holy Spirit and are eternally secure in Christ (John 10:28-29; Rom. 8:35-39; Phil.1:6).

WE BELIEVE in the Church as the body and bride of Jesus Christ, whose purpose is to worship, pray, fellowship, teach, witness of Christ, and observe the ordinances of her Lord which are baptism and the observance of the Lord’s Supper (Eph. 5:25-32; Matt. 28:20; 1 Cor. 11:23-24).

WE BELIEVE that the pattern seen in the “Church which is His Body” should be duplicated or manifested in the local Church, the local assemblies of believers, called together by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of working together to accomplish God’s will in a given locality (Acts 2:41-47; Rom. 16:5).

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit seals, baptizes, indwells and regenerates all believing sinners at the moment of conversion, and that He sovereignly gives every Christian at least one spiritual gift for service and the edification of the body and not the individual (1 Cor. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:10; Eph. 1:13; John 3:1-8; Titus 3:5; 1 Cor. 14:22; Heb. 2:4).

WE BELIEVE that God created all people to live in loving fellowship with Him and that they possess a soul that will live on eternally. Those reconciled to the God of the Bible through saving faith will live on eternally after earthly death in ever-increasing joy and bliss in the presence of God, while those who willfully reject God and His offer of salvation through Christ will be separated from God forever and subject to eternal torments in hell (Matt. 25:32-41, 18:9-11; 2 Pet. 2:1-10; Rev. 20:11-15, 21:6-8). We believe in the bodily, personal, and imminent return of Jesus Christ to judge the earth and setup His kingdom (1 Thess. 4:13-18; Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 19:11-21, 22:12).

The above doctrinal summary and the proof texts listed are selective and not exhaustive of the entirety of Christian truth found in the Scriptures.

News & Events

  • May 14, 2016 – Saturday – CHAP Conference Speaker – 3 break-out sessions with teacher and author Dr. Craig Biehl
    5/14/16 8:30 – 9:15 AM The Myth of Neutral “Science” – Erie room
    5/14/16 10:30 – 11:15 AM How to Develop a Comprehensive and Intellectually Defensible Christian Worldview – Eric room
    5/14/16 3:30 – 4:15 PM All Things Support the Christian Worldview – Erie room
  • January 25, 2016 – Author InterviewGod the Reason author Dr. Craig Biehl interviewed by Dr. Fred Zaspel from Books At A Glance
  • October 12, 2015 – Book ReviewGod the Reason receives review by Mark Farnham on Books At A Glance
  • August 11, 2015 – Author InterviewThe Infinite Merit of Christ author Dr. Craig Biehl is interviewed on Books At A Glance
  • July 23, 2015 – Book SummaryThe Infinite Merit of Christ receives book summary on Books At A Glance
  • March 31, 2015 – Press ReleaseThe Box receives Five Stars and Christian Review Magazine’s highest honor! Christian St. John of Christian Review awarded The Box the Editor’s Choice Award in Jan/Feb 2015. “This book is great for engaging unbelievers,” he says.
  • December 29, 2014 – Book ReviewThe Box receives review by Fred Zaspel on Books At A Glance
  • November 20, 2014 – Press ReleaseThe Box has launched! Pilgrim’s Rock Press is happy to announce the release of this fast-paced dialogue between Mr. C and Mr. A. Can atheists know God does not exist when they don’t know what’s in your garage? Find out!

Featured In…

  • – Mirrors in the Hallowed Halls – Guest Blog – Books at a Glance
  • – The Miracles of Scripture are Reasonable…So Why Do We Run for Cover? – Guest Blog – Books at a Glance
  • – The Old Schoolhouse Product Review by Leah Courtney – Featured Book Review – God the Reason
  • – featured Dr. Craig Biehl and his new book, God the Reason on KCFY FM 88.1 FM Yuma, AZ Book Reviews program
  • – New Book Offers a Faith-building and Definitive Guide to Answer Atheistic Questions
  • – 5 Reasons Atheists Can’t Know that God Does Not Exist
  • – The Myth of Faith Versus Reason

Radio Interviews

  • Listen live to Chris Arnzen interview Craig Biehl on “God the Reason: How Infinite Excellence Gives Unbreakable Faith” on aired March 20, 2017
  • Listen live to The Morning Drive with Rich Anderson on Hope Radio NY on aired March 4, 2016
  • Listen to the live Point of View radio talk show interview with Kerby Anderson and Craig Biehl on Point of View Radio Talk Show – Defending Faith, Family and Freedom aired January 14, 2016
  • Listen to the live Off the Bookshelf radio interview with Greg Bullen and Craig Biehl on – WMPC 1230AM Christian Radio aired January 06, 2016
  • Listen to the live The Bob Dutko Show radio interview on The Light WMUZ Detroit MI aired November 3, 2015
  • Listen to the live Morning Show radio interview on – Yes FM Toledo OH aired October 20, 2015
  • Listen to the Author’s Corner radio interview with Dr. Craig Biehl on “The Word” KNEO Neosho, MO with Clark Matthews aired October 6, 2015
  • Listen to the radio interview Universalism and Atheism – Is it a Faith? on – Yes FM Toledo, OH aired December 16, 2014

Television Interviews

  • Watch The Harvest Show live interview on LeSea Broadcasting December 3, 2015
  • Watch Real Life live interview on with Don & Teri Black aired December 1, 2015 with Dr. Craig Biehl – CTVN
  • Watch Real Life 360 live interview on with Tom Hollis and Amanda Brougher CornerStone Television aired December 1, 2015 with Dr. Craig Biehl – CTVN


Building and configuring an ACP thin client network requires three types of hardware and three types of software. This document will provide an overview of the process and provide links to more detailed articles.

  • 1Hardware Components
    • 1.3The Network
    • 1.4ThinManager Ready Thin Clients
  • 2Software Components
    • 2.2ThinManager

Hardware Components

Server Sizing

The most important component of the server hardware is memory (RAM). Each terminal user that logs into the server will have a self-contained session requiring enough RAM to run its applications. To determine the quantity needed, add the amount needed for each session to the 1024 MB needed for the operating system. While 32 MB may be enough for an office terminal running a word processor or an e-mail program, HMIs and SCADA programs require higher amounts. Plan on 128 - 256 MB for each HMI operator station.
Processor speed is also important. Multi-core and Multi-processor servers will have more capacity and will yield better performance.

Hardware Configuration

We often think of servers as a specialty style of hardware: rack mounted, RAID hard drives, dual or quad processors, and redundant power supplies. This style of hardware is ideally suited to the demands of server computing, but is not the defining criteria. What creates a server is the operating system. Server software can effectively run on a variety of hardware configurations. While the modern rack-mounted server is ideally suited to the task, desktop workstation hardware can also be used to run server software.

The Network

ACP Enabled Thin Clients connect to the terminal server using TCP/IP. Because terminals download firmware using TFTP, firewalls may need to be configured to allow TFTP transfers.

IP Addresses

The thin clients will each need an IP address to join the network. ThinManager Ready thin clients can use a static IP or be assigned addresses by a DHCP server. ThinManager Compatible (PXE) thin clients need to use DHCP to receive their address.


Firewalls will block the in-bound traffic to the ThinManager Server. You can disable the firewall but it is a better practice to open the ports needed.


ThinManager primarily uses TCP/2031 and UDP/4900. For a complete list of port assignments, see the Ports Page.

ThinManager Ready Thin Clients

Thin Clients are computing devices that run without a hard drive or configurable operating system. This cuts down on the amount of maintenance required.
They connect to a terminal server, login, and start a session. The processing is on the terminal server but the input and video output are on the thin client.

ThinManager Ready Thin Clients

ThinManager Ready thin clients are thin clients that have an ACP BIOS on board that allows it to connect to ThinManager to receive its firmware and configuration. The ThinManager Ready label on the hardware shows that it is ready to connect to ThinManager.

ThinManager Ready Logo

ThinManager Capable Thin Clients

ThinManager Compatible thin clients are common off the shelf thin clients that can use PXE boot to download the firmware and configuration. This expands the hardware options for a ThinManager system.
PXE boot and ThinManager Compatible thin clients require an XLi license.

Software Components

Terminal Server Operating System

ACP Enabled Thin Clients require a server running a Microsoft operating system that is listed on the Compatibility Matrix. These allow terminals to login to the terminal server and run a complete Windows session on the server that is distinct and separate from the other sessions.
Microsoft requires that each terminal session have a Microsoft Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services Client Access License. It is called a TS CAL with Server 2000 and Server 2003 servers and an RDS CAL with Server 2008 and newer.
ACP ThinManager has failover capabilities. If one or more terminal servers are used, ACP ThinManager can be configured so that if one server fails, the terminals will quickly connect to a server that is designated as a secondary server.

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ThinManager is an administrative user interface that controls, configures, and organizes the ThinManager Ready and ThinManager Compatible thin client. ThinManager is the visible control panel that works in conjunction with a background service named ThinServer.
The ThinManager interface has a control panel with a tree-view pane and a details pane. The tree-view pane provides 'at-a-glance' management by icon color to show the on/off status of the terminal. When the terminal is expanded it shows what terminal servers or display clients that it is assigned and connected.
Selecting a terminal icon or group icon in the tree-view pane will display the configuration parameters of the terminal or group in the details pane. This provides quick access to configuration information.

Installation Location

ThinManager can be installed on most computers, either servers (Server 2000 SP3 and later) or workstations (XP SP2 or later). Please see our Compatibility Matrix for more indepth information on supported Operating Systems. It is easier to run on servers because it is easier to open ports and grant permissions.
ThinManager doesn’t need to be installed on a terminal server, although that is a common place to install it.


ThinManager has redundant licensing that allows you to synchronize two ThinManager Servers. You can point the thin clients to both and if the first ThinManager Server isn’t available the thin client will connect to the secondary.
Full redundancy gives you two synchronized ThinManager Servers and an administrative console on both. Mirrored licensing gives you two synchronized ThinManager Servers and an administrative console just on the primary ThinManager Server.ConfigurationWhen a new thin client is added to the system, the ThinManager will prompt for the configuration of the new terminal. The terminal can be easily configured by either:

  • Adding it to an existing Group and receiving the Group configuration
  • Copying the configuration from an existing terminal
  • Auto-Creation from the floor to match the configuration of a default terminal
  • Individually configuring the terminal to meet individual needs

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The configuration parameters include:

  • Whether the terminal boots automatically or whether the user login is manually entered at each terminal boot
  • Whether an initial application is run upon terminal booting
  • The video resolution
  • Which modules to load
  • Specifying which server to connect to if multiple servers are used.

When a terminal is added to a Group, it will inherit the configuration of the group.
Use of modules speed the terminal boot process because the terminal will load only the code from the modules that are specified. The modules include:

  • Touch screen drivers
  • Instant Failover
  • Sound drivers
  • Serial Mouse drivers

Virtual Machines

ThinManager can be installed on a virtual machine. It will need to have its license re-activated whenever it is moved or copied as the install ID is tied to the SID.
ThinManager can use virtual terminal servers. They can be defined as if they are physical servers.
ThinManager can connect to a VMware ESXi server and control and manage the virtual machines from within ThinManager. Any virtual terminal servers can be defined as virtual terminal servers in ThinManager.

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Applications need to be installed on the terminal servers that the thin clients will connect to. Each software vendor has its own licensing model but you will usually need a license for each active session.

Configuration Pre-planning

Before establishing the ACP thin client environment you need to decide the following:

  • Determine how you want IP addresses assigned, using DHCP or Static IP addresses.
  • Decide whether the thin clients will logon automatically at start, or whether the operator will be required to logon at startup and on reboots.
  • Decide if you want the ACP Enabled thin client to be configured individually, organized into a single group with similar configurations, or divided into multiple groups, each with a different configuration.
  • Define the naming convention for the groups.
  • Define the initial startup session, deciding whether you want the Windows desktop or a specific application to run on startup.
  • Decide what level of Windows security needs to be assigned to the users.
  • Define the naming convention for the ACP Enabled thin clients
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