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'Evita is 'Superstar' encore Sunday, Jan. 23, 1977 Philadelphia Inquirer 5-H EVITA, From 1-H 'I cannot say that I've become a great admirer of Eva Peron,' Rice said during a visit to Philadelphia earlier in the week. 'But there is certainly no doubt that she was a fascinating woman. An extremely remarkable woman. 'With most people, there is a little bit of good and a little bit of bad. I think in the case of Eva Peron there was a lot of gooa and a lot of bad.' Rice who is the lyricist of the team pointed out that the idea for the project was first planted in his head while listening to his car radio back in 1973. 'I picked up the last part of a program called 'The Myth Makers,' and it was about Eva Peron. Then the announcer said that next week the subject would be James Dean. I thought to myself that anyone who could be equated with James Dean had to be a fascinating subject. So I began doing research on her. One thing led to another.' Less than a year later, Rice traveled to Buenos Aires ... 'B.A., Big Apple,' as it is referred to in 'Evita ' . . . and there he drafted the initial synopsis for what was to become 'Evits.'v Webber stressed that he and Rice are not attempting to duplicate the route taken by 'Superstar,' which started as an album and progressed to concert, theater and 'film adaptations. 'Superstar' was created strictly as a record,' Webber said. 'In the beginning there was never any thought to producing it on the stage or as a film. All of that just snow-balled. I still think 'Superstar' works best as a record. We were never totally satisfied with the stage or film versions of 'Superstar.' ' 'However, with 'Evita,' we planned it from the very beginning as a film or possibly stage piece. In this case, introducing it on record is merely a way of testing the score, clearing things in our own minds.' Quick response 'Evita' has already been released in England, and Rice and Webber are delighted with the quick re sponse in their homeland. 'The album is listed at 14 after only two weeks on the charts,' Rice noted. 'And the single is already number one. Rice admits to a certain amount of surprise over the success of the sin gle, 'Don't Cry for Me, Argentina,' which will also be released in Amer ica as a single. 'There are other songs in the score that would probably be more commercial,' Webber said. 'But we felt that 'Argentina' presents a more accurate navor or the work. 'It's really quite amazing when you think about it,' said Rice, whose gregarious manner contrasts with the reserve of Webber. 'Having this passionate song about a country no one has ever been to accepted that way is quite amazing.' Naturally, the offers have already been pouring in from those who are more than willing to take the 'risk of producing 'Evita' for the theater or film. . 'There have even been a few an nouncements by people who say they already have the rights,' said Webber. 'But the truth of the matter is we've made no decisions on any thing yet. We'll be in Los Angeles next week and we will be talking to some people men. At this moment, Rice and Webber appear to lean toward a film version rather than a theater project due to certain 'technical problems.' Among tnese problems is that the instrumental accompaniment for 'Evita' includes a full orchestra, 'Bullshot' is intended for fun only BULLSHOT, From 1-H for a visit. Maybe six months. Well, six months turned into 10 years.' Before finding himself toiling full time as a writer, House supported himself in assorted ways around Europe. For a time he kept things going by dubbing English in Italian-made movies. Later, House found himself in Spain, serving as an interpreter in a rather oddly-mixed production company which included a delegation from China and another from Norway. One of the company's projects was a club act which ultimately served as the inspiration of 'El Grande ...' The show that materialized, to be blunt, was rather awful. 'Mostly,' he said, , 'the producers were only interested in the pretty girls in the show and eeo tripping. A fundamental difference between that show in Spain and the one witnessed in 'El Grande ...' was the matter of timing and brevity. 'Watching a bad show for 2Vi hours is not funny,' House said. 'But squeeze that into an hour and it can be funny. Thirty seconds of a bad song can be funny; eight minutes of a bad song can be excruciating.' House and his partners began working on 'Bullshot Crummond' after Diz White happened to pick up one of those ancient 'Bulldog Drum-mond' novels at a bargain bin in London and found it amusing. If it all comes across as utter buffoonery, House takes the end result quite seriously. 'A lot of work goes into these things,' he noted. 'We spent about a year putting together 'Bullshot.' With that kind of effort at stake, it Is understandable that Ron House is-not going to be intimidated by one failure even if the setting was New York. ' i Julie Covington ... os Eva Peron augmenting the basic rock group. This would be difficult to duplicate in a theater setting. 'Another factor is that with 'Superstar' there were no star roles as such,' Webber said. 'This isn't the case with 'Evita.' Julie Covington (who sings the title role) is a definite star figure, and this can be a handicap. There are always those who will attend a show to see a star rather than the role itself.' 'It's a rather strenuous role, too,' Rice noted. 'I don't know if Julie would be willing to do it night after night on the stage.' 'I don't either.' Webber said. 'In fact I rather doubt that she would be willing, it might be a situation where we would have to alternate the lead each evening.' While the name, Julie Covington, means little to anyone in this country, she is solidly established in England. 'For someone who says she doesn't want to be a star, Julie is going about things entirely the wrong MkHHMMK ' W1'-' HHTHIM! mil III' ll EMIL GILES THURS. EVE., JAM. 27 at 8 P.M. Tlettdi $1.80, 1.80, 1.50, 8.00 ANDRES SEGOVIA SUNDAY, FEB. 20 at 3 P.M. Tlckatii $9.50, 8.50, 7.50, 5.00 Boxcu $10.50 AvoHabla at In Dttk, Mall Ortfari, Atadwny at Made, Iraad 4 lacuit St., hila. If 101 in-claia stamped, MHaddraid anvalapa ar INSTANT CHARGE PE 5-5266 Open Mon.-Fri. 10-6 fluil'SMfillfRi k-A . Eugene Ormandy Dlr.torj 1976-1977 Season Acadtmy of Music Tuet. Eva. qt 8:00 FIRST JUNIOR STBDENT CONCERT WILLIAM SMITH, NICOLAS DANIHSON, Violin GtRMANTOWN DANCE THEATRI Jaan Willlomt, Director SHOSTAKOVICH Faitiva Ovartura TCHAIKOVSKY Violin Concarto 10R0DIN Nocturne Irom String Quortat KABALEVSKY ' Cancel Irom 'Tha Comadlani' PROKOFIEFF Salictiom from 'Tha lov tor Three Orongei' the Gala of tneYear E ACADEMY OF MUSIC 120th Anniversary Concert Sat., at 8:30 james mum CONDUCTING KIRI TEUMW1, Sopraio JUSTIR3 DIAZ, lass ! VERDI Ovartura to 'Xm Fori del Dattlna' VERDI 'Tw Mil labbra da' I VERDI 'Salca. Sales' tram I 'Otallo' VERDI' 'Ava Maria' from 'Ot.ll..' I VERDI 'Coma In aua.t'ara bruna from 'Simon rCNilKOVSKV Ovortur.Venta.la, 9 PROKOFIEFF Scharxo and March from 'Tha Lava far Thraa flMFMAt' I RAVEL Sulfa No. 2 from tho tallot 'DaphnU and This Propim Not Included on Any Sarin ProCMdl twnafit tht restoration and mftnimnc of Tha Acd amy or mum. ImiMc TUkthi 112.00, 11.00 A portion f oocfc prct n toa doMfWtiblt ICWMY OF (lUSICJ'LPrllfiE way,' Webber pointed out. 'If ever anyone had the capabilities to become an international star, Julie does. She's a remarkably gifted singer, a fine actress (currently a member of the National Theater Company) and an excellent dancer.' The part of Juan Peron is performed by Paul Jones, who first gained fame as a member of the Manfred Mann rock group. He has since become a successful actor in England, with West End credits that include 'Pippin' and 'Conduct Unbecoming.' During their stay in America to launch 'Evita,' Rice and Webber have become aware of a certain amount of skepticism aimed their way by critics who previewed the 'Evita' album. 'There are those who simply refuse to take us seriously,' Webber said. 'Maybe they base that on the gaudiness of the New York theater production of 'Superstar,' which we did not really like very much ourselves. Perhaps if we were Americans and people were more familiar with us,it might be different. 'We'll just have to get used to it, proving ourselves. I suppose it's something we'll always have to contend with.' 'Proving it' with 'Evita' will take a heap of doing, since the 'Super-star' album has to date sold more than five-million copies. I The Drama Guild at the Walnut J .yml?.C.ylnL74'3A5ir m last Perl. 'Fire Finger fcis' j Tonita 7:30 P.M. Jf ff fAl THE PHILADELPHIA g 1 DRAMA GUILD 1 8 ,f Presents H Ptllllltt 1 NOEL COWARD'S 1 1 Blithe i I j I Spirit I J 1 I 4UUM S I Directed by Douglas Seals M FebT2 thru i Feb. 20 H Walnut Street Theatre H H ' 9th and Walnut 9 Telecharge Information H 574-3586 574-3550 JjJ Next travelogue: Magnificent Austria A visit to Vienna, the Opera House; a Viennese Pastry demonstration; a visit to the Esterhazy Palace. Styria, Saltzburg and the music of the Vienna Boys' Choir. Narrator: John Roberts Tuesday, January 25, 8pm. Tickets: $4 The Walnut 9th & Walnut Streets. 574-3550 The bold, charming Pilobolus Dance Theatre. The Pilobolus combines dance acrobatics, sculpture and wit into an irresistible new art form. Clive Barnes, New York Times Dance Critic, raves about this troupe. 8PM, Fri January 28th. 2PM and 8PM, Sat., January 29th. Tickets: $6.50, $7.50, $8. The Walnut 9th & Walnut Streets. 574-3550. ALL SMR-F3RUMMDE SEPTEE presents IT IT TtT mT LE DMiGE mum 3 Performances Only! cftTiinntv cue ten room THREE BUCK KIHGS-HOBOsVpiENS-GJUlfLE-CAMVAH Tickets: $10.00 C 5.50 SUNDAY AFT., FEB. 6.3 P.M. BLUES SUITE CRY RAINBOW BOUND MV SHOULDER REVELATIONS. Tickett: $10.00 1 5.50 SUNDAY EVE.. FEB. 6, 8 P.M. THE LARK ASCENDINGPORTRAIT OF BILLY -BLOOD MEMORIES Tickets: $10.00 & 5.50 Tickets at Box Office. Ticketron, Mail Orders (enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope) or INSTANT CHARGE PE 5-5266 OPEN MON. FRI. 10-6 SHUBERT THEATRE 250 S. Broad St., Phlio., Pa. 19102 -LEE GUBER8 SHELLY GROSS PPESENT -aaaaaaaFSw ROUTE 202 TO THE DEVON EXIT MON. FEB. 21 thru SUN. FEB. 27 TONY ORLANDO & DAWN Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. (8:30 p.m.) Sun. (3 & 8:00 p.m.) $10.50,9.50; Frl. (8:30 p.m.) Sat. (7:00 & 10:30 p.m.) $12.50. 11.50. Prices Include '. mi Tax and Parking V' jt'r. a & :'f.4U.r -jr v I I INFO ONLY: 644-5000 GENEROUSGROUPDISCOUNTS:647-2307 CHARGE ON BANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE: 647-7870 Tickets available at all TICKETRON locations. A MUSIC FAIR ENTERPRISES INC PRODUCTION j' ' ' LEE GUSER & SHELLY GROSS K, PRESENT j yj TICKETS CV )) Sy NOW ON SALE! jA I MON. FEB. 21 thru SUN. FEB. 27 fl East Coast Premier of 'INSCAPE' Designed by Rudi Gernreich INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED lance GGmpen 'A Revelation!' Saturday Review Fri. Jan. 28 Sat. Jan. 29 All performances begin promptly at 8 p.m. Tickets now on sale $4.25 5.75 7,75 9.75 CALL BOX OFFICE: (302) 652-5577 USE CREDIT CARDS BY PHONE If 7 r 1 A 7 Market St. Mall Wilm. DE OH 1-95, Exit 7. Del. Ave. MAIL ORDERS NOW! JOELW SCHENKER pftrrtt BARBARA KEITH MICHAEL BAXLEY CHARLES HICCINS LEE LOUISE MICHAEL RICHARDSON S0REL WAGER ANN WEDCEWORTH THE DREAM A New Drama 'RICHARD LORTZ rrom tht book ol LUCY FkEEMAM Sctntry flignerj By Costumes by itgWtnQby WILLIAM RITMAN THEONI V ALDREDCE MARC B. WEISS Directed by EDWIN SHERIN TONY ORLANDO & DAWN MON., TUES., WED., THURS. (8:30 P.M.) SUN. (3;00 & 8:00 P.M.) S1 0.50. 9.50; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7 & 1 0:30 P.M.) S1 2.50, 1 1 .50. MON. FEB. 28 thru SUN. MARCH 6 LENA HORNE VIC DAMONE SPECIAL GUEST STAR COUNT BASIE SJK MON.,TUES.,WED.,THURS.(8:30P.M.)SUN.(8P.M.)S8.75,7.75; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7:00 410:30 PJVI.) 59.75, 8.75. FRI. MARCH 11 thru SUN. MARCH 13 JOHNNY CARSON SPECIAL QUEST STAR PHYLLIS McGUIRE FRI. (8:00 & 1 1 :30 P.M.) SAT. (7:00 & 1 0:30 P.M.) SUN. (8:00 P.M.) $12.50,11.50. ! MON. MARCH 14 thru SUN. MARCH 20 STEVE 9 EYDIE MILTON LAWRENCE GORME BERLE MON., TUES., WED., THURS. (8:30 P.M.) SUN. (3 & 8:00 P.M.) 51 0.50, 9.50; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7 & 1 0:30 P.M.) 512.50, 1 1 .50. TUES. MARCH 29 thru SUN. APRIL 3 FRANRIE VALLI 81 THE FOUR SEASONS TUES.,WED.,THURS.(8:30P.M.)SUN. (3 48:00P.M.) 58.75,7.75; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7 & 10:30 P.M.) 59.75, 8.75. MON. APRIL 18 thru SUN. APRIL 24 SONNY 81 CHER MON.,TUES.,WED.,THURS.(8:30P.M.)SUN.(8P.M.)512.50.10.00 FRI. (8:00 P.M.) SAT. (7:00 & 10:30 P.M.) 51 5.00. 12.50. TUES. APRIL 26 thru SUN. MAY 1 CHARO SPECIAL GUEST STAR DAVID BRENNER TUES.,WED.,THURS.(8:30P.M.)SUN.(3 48:00P.M.)57.75,6.75; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7:00 4 10:30 p.m.) 58.75, 7.75. Mik rfiMI HTatl l.r.att Th.lr, and Mi ft IIMVM ll, Phil.., . 1107. MUSt ltl MII-.4- lilt All.n.t. VMM. nm-. osch. um. MLeour ' Ives. MOM, thf FRI. HO-M VO.00 MS6T.D0 wr.0.a$.mtleii M.50 S8.50 'oTm 'tSJO UM Ttiaatra Ovlld SwbHrlptlan ktlraitle SPECIAL PREVIEW PERF. SAT. EVE., FEB. S AT 8 P.M. OPINING NIOHI (Man. 37) 7i30OTHI IVOS. I PM. MATS. WID. A SAT. 2 PM FORREST THEATRE 2B 1114 WALNUT ST. fVL 4 1 f-sS'S I y, MON. rCD 1 THRU I i.U. I FEB. II (215) Wl 5-1515 MON.JUNE6thruSUN.JUNE12 THE WORLD FAMOUS FOLLIES BERGERES Special Guest Star to be announced MON., TUES.. WED., THURS., SUN. (8:30 P.M.) 67.75, 6.75; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7 4 10:30 P.M.) $8.75, 7.75. MON. JULY 11 thru SUN. JULY 17 MAC DAVIS MON., TUES., WED., THURS., SUN. (8:30 P.M.) $8.75, 7.75; FRI. (8:30 P.M.) SAT. (7:00 4 10:30 P.M.) 59.75, 8.75. smu o i MUSfCPAIH ENlfcfiPRlKcc: ikic BHnnnr.TiON iO

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Feb 27, 2013  2013 PC Bullshot thread of '1 FPS? That's 1 screenshot per second' Thread starter Corky; Start date Feb 25, 2013; 3004 Forums. Feb 26, 2013 #266 Boogdud said: As soon as I bitch about names of the games not being in the shots, the last ones had them. Sunday, January 23, 1977. 23, 1977 Philadelphia Inquirer 5-H EVITA, From 1-H 'I cannot say that I've become a great admirer of Eva Peron,' Rice said during a visit to Philadelphia earlier in the.

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