Guitar Jam Tracks 1.1

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  6. Guitar Jam Backing Tracks

…without having to memorize long hard to remember phrases.

Guitar Backing Track in E Em (ELECTRO Speed Guitar Jam Track) - Duration: 5 minutes, 17 seconds.

Turn up your volume, and watch this short 3 min & 20 sec. presentation
on how you can easily build your own rock & blues guitar licks.

The “Guitar Lick Factory” is a system you can use to create all kinds of great sounding guitar licks by learning just a few simple and easy to remember patterns on the guitar.

Once you know these common lead guitar building blocks and some easy ways to expand them, you’ll discover the core of what goes into the guitar licks played by Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and other rock and blues greats…

As a lead guitar player it’s very important to build your vocabulary of guitar licks . Yeah, scales are important…but scales are only the alphabet.

You need to learn some phrases that will actually help you communicate in the language of music.

The problem is memorizing guitar licks can be difficult. You learn one, only to forget it when you learn another.

Then once you do have a few licks under your belt, you don’t really know what to do with them.

You play them a couple of times in a guitar solos and then start wishing you knew some more guitar licks.

The “Guitar Lick Factory” solves the problem. You’re going to be surprised how much music can come out of the simple ideas you will learn in this course. And NOT strain your brain trying to remember them.


Soon you’ll be chaining these ideas effortlessly into your own great rock and blues solos.

Here’s what your “Guitar Lick Factory” course will give you


Discover the king daddy of all lead guitar scales…the Minor Pentatonic.

Learn 4 key lead guitar building blocks, and how to apply then to the Minor Pentatonic Scale.

Guitar Jam Tracks 1.1 Download

Learn how to alter notes in the lead guitar building blocks to multiply the lick ideas built from them.

Make use of bends and vibrato as a way to give you guitar licks some expression and life.

Learn how to hook the different lead guitar building blocks together, add different notes, and combine them with bends to get all kinds of great sounds licks.

Learn “The Blues Scale” and how you can use it to expand the building block ideas and create even more lead guitar licks.

Use “chromatic lead-ins” to add some spice to all of the other lick creating ideas you will learn.

Use the Major Pentatonic Scale to immediately double the lead guitar licks you already know.

Discover when you should use what scale in your guitar solos.

Free Guitar Jam Tracks

Explore the “Rock Blues Mega Scale” and how to combine it with all of the building blocks from the course to create ton of cool guitar licks.

Here is the “Stuff” you get with your Guitar Lick Factory course…

19 videos with over 1 1/2 hours of video guitar lessons with all of the music examples in tablature on screen.

A 30 page PDF manual with all of the examples along with text explanations the ideas and licks.

A PDF file of just the music examples for easy printing.

36 MP3 Jam Tracks in 6 different common rock and blues keys. Check out the samples below.

Guitar Lick Factory – Jam Track Sample 1

Guitar Lick Factory – Jam Track Sample 2

Guitar Lick Factory – Jam Track Sample 3

Guitar Jam Tracks 1.1 2

Try the course Risk Free…you have nothing to loose.

Guitar Jam Tracks Youtube

Instant Download (Mac & Windows)

19 .m4v Videos (1 1/2 Hours)
PDF Manual
36 MP3 Jam Tracks

100% Guaranteed – Try it Risk Free

Guitar Jam Tracks 1.1 Free

I know this course will take your lead guitar playing to the next level… Guaranteed. In fact if you are not 100% satisfied with your course for any reason, just contact us within 60 days for a full refund.

Guitar Jam Backing Tracks

P. S. – If you have been searching for a way expand your guitar licks…
Grab your copy of the Guitar Lick Factory Now!

Have a good one!
Shawn Bradshaw
Your Lead Guitar Teacher Founder