DiapoSheet 1.3.0
Oct 31, 2019 ملخص موجز عن Coot Ransomware Coot Ransomware عبارة عن أداة للفدية تتضمن العديد من الأنشطة الضارة. يتم إنشاؤه من قبل المتسللين لتشفير الملفات وطلب مبلغ الفدية. لن تتمكن من الوصول إلى أي ملفات في نظامك. انها اقفال الملفات تماما وتغيير.
DiapoSheet lets you quickly layout your photographs with EXIF metadata and get a professional contact sheet in PDF format. Drag image files or a folder containing image files onto the main window and you are done. You can easily change the number of rows and columns, their gaps, the margins, the page size and format, add your custom logo and company description, add your watermark, turn on and display the EXIF metadata info below each image using your favorite font, color, and label. Then export to PDF, TIFF, PNG, or JPG at the resolution chosen. Even when exporting to PDF, you can choose the resolution (ppi) of the images. Save your layout to a file and reuse it later on.
- May 29, 2018!'
- NoIMGdata Mac版 1.4.2 安全无毒. 温馨提示:您的IP是 建议选择 下载. 投诉建议: xiazai@pconline.com.cn.
No Imgdata 1.4.2 Pc
Version 1.3.0:

- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
- Title: DiapoSheet 1.3.0
- Developer: Softobe
- Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later
- Language: English
- Includes: Pre-K'ed
- Size: 7.46 MB
- visit official website
No Imgdata 1.4.2 Mods