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Portland Press Herald (Newspaper) - February 4, 1949, Portland, MaineSixte .Portland Press Herald Portland, Maine Friday February 4, 1949. Handler, Parker Cards' i Chicago, Feb 3 Texas football products, Phil Handler and Ray (Buddy) Parker, today were elevated from assistant to co-head coaches of the Chicago Cardinals of the National Football League i Handler '0 member of the Cardinal organization for 19 years and head coath from 1B43 through 1845 and 35 year-old Parker suc- ceed Jlmrny Conzelman who re- tufmed surprisingly last month The co-coaching selection was announced by club President Ray Benmgsen who wld Handler and Parker were handed two-year contracts and will have a free hied to do things their own way Their salaries were undisclosed btit BennlKwn said each would get a substantial Increase over his coaching pay It was expected that Handler c'ub coaching affiliate since 1637 would be promoted to Con- relmaps Job but Parkers boost Into the top mentoring spot Kjmewhat a surprise Bennigseh explained that both 'arj capable football fundamen- talists and each envoys the con- fidence and friendship of the en- tire Chicago Cardinals person- nel' The new coaches said each would, continue concentrating on hli speclaHy Handler on the line and Parker on the backfleld and would coordinate In pervision of the club general su- Today 'the Intact but on the staff Newest member of trust la Charley Brock Handler a former Texas Chris- tian guard from Ft Worth Tex Joined the Cardinals In 1930 He played seven pro seasons and be- to the then- Coach Milan That'was the came to the Cardinals from the Detroit Lions Handler continued as a Card- inal assistant under1 Ernie fevers (1939) and Conzelman (1940 through 1942) In 1943 when Conzelman switched to temporary baseball duty with the 8t Louis Browns came an assistant head Cardinal CreJghton In 1937 year Parker Handler became head coach served us a co-coach under He the 1B44 Cardinal-Pittsburgh Bteeler merger and was head Cardinal bow again in 1945 Conzelman returned in 1948 putting Handler back to an assistants post Con- lelman s 1947 Cardinal club won the National League title and last ceason lost to the Philadelphia Eagles In the title playoff Then prising came Conzelman s gur- last month silver- thatched Jimmy contending he wanted to get Into the adver- tising business and away from hectic coaching demands Parker whose home Is Kemp Tex a brilliant halfback at Centenary Col'ege lumping Into pro ball with the Lions In 1935 title-winning year for Detroit Parker came to a rwap for nolds In 1937 He became assistant Cardinal coach In to the Cardinals tackle Bob Rey- Hurts to Shave Your Neck? 7WM resr Troubled with trndrr, htrd to- ifuvt ipotf cm your nzckor chin your how much Sur Blade the job without pull or fui Remember, Blidet pfeciflon made to tike iharper edge and hold it longer Try better ihjvmr. a rtal laving STAR MCIAOIV It was the second Chicago pro coaching change within a week Last Saturday, the new Chicago Hornets of the All-America Con- ference picked Ray (Red) Flaher- ty to succeed Ed McKecver Chi- cago s third pro entry, the pojwer- ful Bears of the NFL, will con- tinue with Papa' Bear, Owner- Coach George Halas still planted at the ohlm Packers Switch Coaching Staff Green Bay, WIs Feb 3. (AP) A wholesale shakeup in the brains department of the Qreen wat, In Bay the Packers appaiently making today It was only a few months ago that head coach E L (Curly) Lambeau was blaming 10 or 12 players whom he never named for the most disastrous season In Packen history, a 3-9 record 1948 squad roster Is two new coaches the brain one of the National Football League s most able centers during his nine play- ing years with tiro Packers who left his Job as line coach at the University or Omaha to become 'assistant coach and scout' for Lambeau Six days ago, I-ambeau an- nounced at his Los Angeles home that he d signed Bob Snyder, for- mer head coach of the NFL Rams to a two-year contract as back- field coach The latter move disposed com- pletely of Bo Molenda, former University of Michigan New York Qlant and Packer star who had coached the backs for two years The front office here said merely his contract had expired But the exact status of veteran linn coach Walt Kleellng, whos been around tho league 33 yeais hasn t been explained Two weeks ago, Lambeau said he considered Klsllng one of the finest line coaches In the Country But, he added, Its my opinion he should in the Interests i his health, take a year s vacation from football At his home In Pittsburgh Klesllng scoffed I wouldn t go for that 'rest' business' he commented That's Just another way of saying they don t tvant you any more Kicsllng said he was dickering with the Packers but that he plans to start looking arotmd if he doesn t hear something definite soon I guess 1 11 give 'em about an- other he said The only other member of the Packer coaching it Don Hut- son, who handled the ends He might not be back, cither. NG Cagers Play At Armory Tonight Local National Guard teams have scheduled three, basketball games In the Stevens Avenue Armory tonight Headquarters Company will play Company B at 8 45 p m Headquarters will meet the Medics at 7 45, and the Serv- ice Company will engage the Anti-Tank Company at 8 43. NewlLngland Wintcf Sports Bulletin Boiton Feb 8 (APV-Skl Ljht snow rr dn followed by Friday nlxht Pilr CUttirdur Temper tlurci remain In ir bclnw freeilni Upper New FInnijihTrB 4ToiBCpat aa (or Ma nr Krar conla GUI n on JO 20 7 powder fair UP par LmtlM fair poor Hlope jjackion Black Mo II 18 packrd pfawdrr Fair Good N rth 20 powder Fair UiJper fa r Inwv? tfootl wafren Ml MnnHlInukfe 71 2ft., A wlftd cruited Fair Upper (xrelltnt lower lond 1 nwer New Korecilt nn for 11 10 4 powder Fair OOOQ L aeon I a Bilk 11 15 I powder Fair Oorxi Mt II 15 B powrtir Fair Qood Peter hnrnuih Tdmplfl 'Mtn 16 20 B powder PaJr Unrtr (06d In war f see 1 1 rot, Forrcait jarae n Inn Maine DratUelxiro ilMback 21-26 brfakablo Fair Oborl IIcartwellvlllB Dutch Hill 21 29 brftlub e Cloudy Oncxj Man Bit? Bromlry H-18 powtlrr C nil 17 wPper fair Inwrr io od fltowi Mt Mansfic 33 packed Fkir Oood WH-.itifld Mad Ulver 21- 4 Miwdg C Quriy Fair Wooditock 16 JtiT fl powdrr Fafr Oood mow Friday poulbly chantinr to rlert rain Clearlri Frl Fair flnturday TmuJtraturci flrrralnini Hllrhtlr bnlow mMit in 20 briakablc Cloudy. Oood Cornwall 1J 18 brenkablf Pair pood Hancock Jlmlny n- 18, 1 fflr Good 11 IS r Fair powan Onod BACK AGAIN! Brlsson, Bruno Maurice Hlght South Portland Schoolboy League Mohiwkl (19) IHnreurlEi (19 1 o r p' 8 1 11 rlnt It B Jottnion rf 3 0 6 Smart if Pa 0 WitMn ll 1 W Johns n rf 3 n O U 3 VVnnda ONC TASTf 18 WORTH. A THOUSAND WORDS.1! TRY IT (JIU'R! oVnUMld ft i Hume Claims Last Maine Caribou A native of Castle Hill, In Aroostobk County, believes he bagged the last caribou in that section of Maine He is William Hume who has Just observed his Vith birth- day anniversary, Known in a number of Maine towns for his musical abilitj he played violin for many years Hume brought down the caribou on the shores of Squawpan Lake He sold thr head to Thomas Fair of Presque Isle Hume recalls that he got tho txophy in the Fa 1 of 1898 and that it had a good set of antlers 1 Theie is considerable difference of opinion as to when and wheie the last herd of caribou was seer) in Maine Stragglers have been reported Spotted shortly before the turn of thn century In manv places slncn the migration was discussed In a column several .weeks ago All hands agree that the caribou disappeared when the deer began to show up The last herd of any size nine animals was scon in the Jackman region by several pcisons who have so written to this department I AP Wirephoto NEW CO-COACHES SIGNED BY Ray Bennlgsen left of the Chit-ago Cardinals pro football team hands pens to Philip J Handler center and Raymond Buddy Parker after signing Handler and Parker as Co-coaches of the National League team Thursday at Chicago. Mitchell Post 58-46 Victor Scarborough, Feb. 3 the presence of the ubiquitous KHroy In the dual capacity of player and referee the Bear- borough Has-Beens dropped a 6E-46 hoop decision to the Llbby- Mltchell Post combine In a game sponsored by the Scarborough Boosters Club at the school gym tonight Kllroy was there, of course, In the person of Dick the local high school coach, but Elwood Mitchell of the Legionnaires was the dom- inant figure with 25 points Frank Pooler added 13 to the victors' total Of the 'Has-Beens' Buzz Burnham and Ken Dolloff looked more like the present tense Fathers and grandfathers risked frisked through the opening act labeled as oldtlmers game The summarv Mitchell firm. (40) ing and fishing facilities, a Central Maine Sportsmen's Show will be held in Watervllle March 28 April 2, according to an- nouncement today by Dr Lawrence F Dubay president of the Exchange Club of this city The show which will be held In the old. Colby College field House will be backed by the Exchange Club who hit i pon the idea as perfect for a major club project The orgarizatlon in Watervllle is but one year old, and it's member- ship Is composed of both young and middle-aged business men and1 Llovd Mangrum Chicago 111 InduBtrlal workers most of whom 0 P 1 25 Hurmon.ll 204 Jrnflan If 1 1 Huir rt B 13 Doiiorr rf 0 0 Harvls c 3 2 ClirMc 2 1 SIR chardaon o 1 0 2'Burnhim If Ml liken ll Auitln ri Thuraton rf Kllroy ri 11 14 6B r f o B 0 2 0 6 1 B 000 204 204 3 1 11 i a 2 000 Oil 0 1 1 ntfarres Kllroy AUPt n Time 4101 PHS To Show Ski Reek Jay John Jay John Jay official Olympic pho- tographer for the 1D48 winter gpmes, will present; his film, Skis Over Europe, in Portland .High Sportsmen's Show Planned At Waterville Next Montfi Watervllle, Feb 3 (Special Dispatch) -A ncfe project to boost Maine's hunt- Mangrum Takes Tucson Open Lead Tucson, Ariz. Feh I fAP) Lawrie Holmes of Noitheast Harbor whose latest work on the Maine deer situation has reached this corner continues to advocate a proper balance between deer and available feed He writes on the subject Only when man made regulations tire Integrated with the natural laws can we say we understand Jiow to conseivc our wildlife If the natural law requires the re- moval of a considerable surplus that exceeds the legal take then illegal hunting to meet the requirements of the natural law is tiulv a conservation measure and excessive punishment of poach- ing will have opposite effect than that Intended' Holmcri nolnts out that the 'tiny, populated coun- ties of York and Cumberland now take more drcr than sprawl- ing, sparsely populated Aroontook, where thn deer hrrdu have hren diminishing evrr since wn rut tho bag limit In one Kliorlrnlng the season and stopping the use of lumber-camp venison are other 111 advised measures' The Northeast Harbor man agrees with tho Cumberland County Fish and Game Association that if Maine Is to have a new rish and Gramjs Commissioner, It should be one who has been tialncd in tho field of wildlife management To that end he con- tends capable young men have graduated from the University of Maine Wildlife Unit and have been drlvej to seek future In comc less backward states Those are some of his opinions boiled down from a com- munication too lengfhy to print fully here Norman N Myott of Portsmouth N H secretary of the New Hampshire Federated Sportsmen s Clubs writes I have just finished reading your column about the Strife of c Fish and Game Association Being a South Portland native I am always Interested In Maine news San Felipe Stakes Draw Record Field Areiulla, Calif Feb 3 fAP) The field probably will trimmed but a nose count today disclosed that as many as 35 three-year-olds may line up Sat- urday for the 150 000 Ban Fcllpo Stakes Reserved for colts ind geldinai and routed at seven furlongs race Ls a rich and final major tune-up for ellglblcs for the 000 Santa Anita Derby Feb 19 Racing secretary Webb A Bv- errtt listed 12 probables all win- ners of good stakes and a down or more whose stables are likely to bid for tho heavy sugar Rain today put doubtful stamp on nomc of the candidates, but the truck held out hopes for clear wenthcr and a fast strip Sat- urday Stakes winners Include Alfred O Vanderbllt s Stone Age Harry Isenberg s Audacious Man Wil- liam Hells' Ennobled F W Hoo- pers Olvmpla and Ocean Drive; W Q ailmores Okcy Smolcry; Mrs Ada Rices Model Cadet J. H Scley s Duplicator and Charlej S HoWard s Eternal World Added to these ellglbles are such three-year-olds as Phony Title. Top Turret Straddle Swap Out, Gold Heel Hayscad, Hbulte. Fuial Cil Cable Car So La Cl Bull- Admiral Lea and others. Church s May Reward won a surprise victory in the San Felipe last year, with Hells' Sal- magundi third But when the derby rolled around May Reuart finished fourth and tl e Hells colt romped In for the bla money Much Interest centers on Van- derblll s Stone Age Both are closely Identified with Santa An- ita n Winter meeting Young Van- dcrbllt's stable has consistently raced here and one year he had a slick filly which burned up the track as a two year-old Her name was Petrify and Stnuc Age Is hrr first foa Vandeibllt recently named this son of Pelilfy and the English aie at home on a trout sticam or took the fiist round lend in the In mv mind the association a good and long needed slop i Dei race' in rotund This type nn organisation has for same time n game trail Tucion Oolf Open Toiir- The Spoilsmen s Show firs! 'niment today with a ax under such major enterpilso In Centnl par 04 been H now the Preaknris at Plmllro Mav 14 Maine, also means of for is One successful, will event During calculated as a Excl ange Club and if bo an annual troit I Calif stroke behind are the Ch rk Harbert DC Monti Santa Monica the if ast few months Exchange Club programs have been highlighted by speakers who have had experience with Qpoits- and Johnny Bulla Pitts- burgh Pa Bunched with cards of 68 were neatly a dozen contendeis Jlmmv Demant OJal Calif mens Shows In other aieas or twice Tucson Open Champion has He makes no rwrret however thai he would like to hit his first 000 Jnrkpot at SanU AnltA Oner he had the great Diiwovery saddled for the 1039 1100000 men who have spent tnurh of lives huntl ig Lid fishing (aron Authors Plan The Spoilsmen s Show ideu stalled with Joseph P Caion thcli was five strokes off the pace with CO Defending iinplon Skip Ah x inclri Soulhein Pines N C hntl to content, himself with an even Watervllle Insurance and at first, was discarded fellow Ex- changitei as a project too hugn for the club to tackle However after programs on the subject the club changed Us mind. Every member has been assigned a spe- cific duty in connection with the show The Maine Publicity Bureau sees the possibilities of such a show in the heart of the Belgrade area and has promised assistance possible Included in other oigan izations coming to the fore to help are the Belgrade Lakes Region Inc devoted to publicizing and improving Belgrade sports facili- ties the Maine Inland Pish and Game Dopartment and tne Arnold Trail Fish and Game Association Before making the official an- nouncement that the show will be held Exchange Cluo members sounded out various organizations and individuals to make certain of a market for sales of booth space and a spectator cotentlal They found that men interested In hunting and fishing needed little selling on ic plari par 70 for the 6500 sard El Rio Country Club Putts that barely missed cast Vlangium four strokes A four- Footer on the first an eight- footer on serond and a nine- foot stroke on the fifth stopped Dare fractions fiom the hole An 18 footer rimmed the cup on the last hole and cheated him out of an eagle Actuallj mj putting was all right Mangrum said They just wouldn t go in I m happy It was one of ,he best rounds I vc had for some time he added the 17th was behind a stump but I came out all right Monti who lias never wan A major tournament needed 18 putts on his round It was the Iron shots that did ,t Monti said later My put- ting was1 good but mv drives were nothing sensational Harbert made putts when he needed them most Aid Offered Of'ers of ceivcd from aid have been re unsolicited soui and It appears that Watorvllle has School at 8 p m today undei g0od v-t In not havin? khe sponsorship of the school s surh a show ln ypnr, sl' club Nearest community to Water- Among the features In the Jay films are Walter Pragner, U B Olympic ekl coach, Barbara Ann Scott Canadian skater and Dick Button, the U B champion The pictures Include scenes of the Parade of Nations opening the games bobsledding, cross country skiing, hockey, speed skating, ski-jumping, and the slalom races In addition a camera report Is given on the town of Zermatt the Italian Alps and ski- ing In several of Europe s fop re- sort centers Members of the committee as- sJMlng George Albert, PHS ski Instructor, with the meeting are Ulck Miller Henry Perry, Steve Donald Murray, John Murphy, Bruce Ambrose John Amato Jim Spear Gene Plourd Franklin Grant Jr Jean McVane, Marlon Thomes Valerie Davis Rosalie Kaserman Jean Thomas, Sylvia Caron Joan Colley, Anna Pesche, Constance Taslor Alan Tolman, Donald Hale Stanley ville to have held such a show Is Madison but the Watervllle Club plans a much larger entertain ment The committee IR arranging 12 acts of high caliber entertain ment dally award of a fully Callandro and 00 Bourse r! 02 Da. Ic c 0 fl Jol naon o il Rrttrr ll Un 1 IE rf Hi trr i (1 Tnlals Lrarrn 0 r r 000 1 0 2 8 1 11 022 000 1 2 4 000 000 000 1 K 10 1 a o r p 000 BillirrJ U 358 rf 000 r. 204 MucCallom IB 1 0 2 Ilyan rsr 6214 1 3 17 19 Tolili Leaere Murphi o F p 204 226 339 3 p e 11 758 Tlmt 4 ft 9'ers Easy Victors 'At BtiTeni Avenue Armorr) US) Hr.vj 114) T P 0 6 Scrmlt! If Roan If hnnon rf iiBhtr rf 204 Somers c 0 10 DrlMn I o 1 1 DIPIttro r 4 NBPIcB ra fl fl 12 1 43 To B Bob E 0 r P 1 3 4 3 2 n ooo i i i 000 o o n 6012 8 0 10 as a compinlon fcatuip to thr Bildgton Winter Carnival Fcb IB and 19 The queen wlU be clowned Fob arfd the snow ball will be held Fob 19 Entries for the races Lee Crusaders Win Cruiaderl (A7) Center (Sn) a r r o Levlnr f 204 Flnrtirrj It I If 204 If 1 S Anaeleo rf 7 1 18 Rosen rf fi Kinr rl Oil Wf rulrln o 3 KirhnaVMM e I'SRrcMs 1 1 Auiiettf IB J 1 11 Mnncrvi m 20 ri ri Reforiv r P 0 2 0 0 12 1 7 3 1 with 21) members taking part A small fee covqrs the cost of the trip and Includes a skiing lesson Heio are tho names of a few skiing Instructors in this area Viola and Avon Hilton, Instructors Association of Maine at the Pen- guin Ski Cluo Homer Haywood IAM city recreation department Chase JAM, YWCA Bob HdKleiiqn, IAM Portlanc Country Club Rnd Nasson College James Thorpe Augusta Tom Manette and Wally Gallant Pleas- ant Mountain; Wes Matco Farm- ington and Don O Briott, the new slope at Harrison 204 55' E-v'.'.h. Tlrni I PLAN TO ATTEND Mammoth 23rd Winter Carnival RUMFORD. MAINE Fnxnted By Chlsholm Skiing Outing Club Plonrrrr, Of Winter Carnlral In The Kaif Saturday Sunday, Feb. 5 6 ICE SCLIPTURINC, COBON A B C JtjMPlVG STATE OF MAINE CHABIPIOVSHIP DON'T MISS THIS GALA EVENT I war Opening seventh to Bert Baron! s Top Roxr. John Morn's Sparks Falmouth To Victory Yarmouth Frb 3 Falmouth Memorial Post rngers paced by big Johnny Morris trampled tin Ynimoulh Cllppon H7 34 In a Suburban Legion League encoun- ter liprn tonight Morris 32 poinU visitors to leads of helped thi 37 IT rind 28 to at the period reili Er- nie Wlnslow, with 11 potnU, waj thn top worer for the iocali The (61) BrrJlh It vvoTrr rf Off 4 J 10 M. 3 I IS fTirvntk (14) iljonlf r cki n rf 0 0 0 Wlnilo Mnrrll r IS 2 32 1 c irr r 53 12 Buom ll How and II 102 WHil If 'ilrn Art 204 Ilnlwir II Tn ill 30 r Ailr I Tlmi 1 South Portland Hoop League Or I! n If rt filgilrtn rf Vnrlnn r ruymonrt o If OFF 4 n fl Crlmmln J 000 Jnhnl If 10 1 31 Jnrkf rf 000 LcBrtu R o jn rolrr li 0 Cook ri <i 017 4 o n r r 2 .0 J o J Hill 13 J 14 HrlP Atandlur 4 I K of C (54) q r r k 0 10 If Piwrtlibl If I 3 W 0 3 I 0 II o n n 0 2 and T rt s i i i I S 14 i 4 A a. (Rfetv no 11 ml It is necessary W release it manually with each the bolt locks shot The safety Is locked evrry thp. time the rifln Is loaded CHOOSE THE ONE BLENDED WHISKEY THAT GIVES YOU ALL FUISCHMAMS PREFERRED 41 THE STRAIGHT WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT ARE YEARS OR MORE OLD 33% STRAIGHT WHISKIES 65% NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN 90 PROOF. BLENDED WHISKiY. THE (LUSCHYANN CORPORATION, PEEKSKIU, N. T,